Monthly Archives: March 2015

Hello, Mr. Luthor


Thanks to Entertainment Weekly, we finally have our look at Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. And he looks pretty much exactly how we all expected him to. He’s bald, smug, and looks pretty sinister. If I was judging Eisenberg on looks alone, I’d say he’s going to be an awesome fit. Read the rest of this entry

Comic Reviews: The Walking Dead and D4ve!


 Issue139CoverThe Walking Dead #139 (Image Comics)

 The Walking Dead has been in an interesting place for the past few issues. Since the time jump, we’ve been introduced to new characters, seen old favorites in new positions of power, and haven’t seen hide nor hair of Michonne. Rick Grimes, the leader of our band of survivors, was in the first two issues of the time jump, but has barely been seen since then. It almost seems like Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard are slowly changing the focus of the book to Carl Grimes. However, Walking Dead #139 finally turns the attention onto the elder Grimes, giving us greater insight into this new world for the Walking Dead, and finally shows us some other familiar faces as well. Read the rest of this entry

The Tangled Web of Spider-Man Post Secret Wars!

Amazing-Spider-Man-Renew-Your-Vows-2015-a906cWe finally know the story behind the Spider-Man Secret Wars tie-in “Renew Your Vows”. Now, it’s pretty much what we expected from the original teaser we saw, which had Spider-Man, Mary Jane, and their young daughter displayed pretty prominently. It’s going to feature a Peter Parker who’s reality is that of the pre-“One More Day” continuity, which means that he’s still happily married to Mary Jane, and even has a family. It’s also being drawn by Adam Kubert and written by current Amazing Spider-Man writer Dan Slott, because who else would be bringing you this story? Read the rest of this entry

Comic Reviews: Chrononauts and The Punisher!


 chrononauts-01-cvr-col-720-2734bChrononauts #1 (Image Comics)

 Mark Millar has been having a pretty damn good 2015. His Image titles Starlight, MPH, and Jupiter’s Legacy have been huge hits, Kingman: Secret Service, the movie based on his comic with Dave Gibbons, has been cleaning house at the box office, and his other film based on his comic Nemesis is going to have some major news hitting this week. To add to Millar’s mojo, this week sees the release of Chrononauts, his new Image series with The Wake artist Sean Murphy. Like Starlight before it, Chrononauts has Millar working in a new area of storytelling, and the results are pretty damn awesome. Read the rest of this entry

Everyone’s Going To War

hawkeye-age-of-ultronCaptain America: Civil War is going to be a huge movie. That was pretty much a given seeing how successful Captain America: The Winter Soldier was commercially and critically, and by the fact that it’s the first Marvel movie featuring one of the “big three” to come after Age of Ultron. But with the recent news that Civil War will also feature Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye in the mix, I’m starting to wonder if there’s too much story for just one movie. This is the film that’s going to feature Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, Winter Solider (assumedly), Nick Fury (assumedly), whoever Daniel Bruhl is playing, Falcon, Spider-Man (rumored), and now Hawkeye. It’s dangerously close to reaching Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice levels of character over saturation. Read the rest of this entry

Comic Reviews: Spawn Resurrection and Batman: Arkham Knight!


10492043-870052116372205-5316965131268739082-n-111694Spawn Resurrection #1 (Image Comics)

 Like any child of the 90’s, I loved Spawn. However, like many people, I haven’t read anything featuring the character in years. In fact, the last issue of Todd McFarlane’s demonic superhero that I read was issue 200, which was pretty much incomprehensible to a lapsed Spawn reader like myself. Well, in steps Spawn Resurrection, a special one-shot issue by the new creative team of Paul Jenkins and Jonboy, designed to bring readers up to speed for the return of Al Simmons, the original Spawn. And I have to say, while it’s a very exposition heavy book, Spawn Resurrection succeeds in getting me interested in the character again. Read the rest of this entry

The Age of Supergirl

avengers-ace-of-ultronSo this was a pretty big week for nerd media. First off, we got the debut of the brand new trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron, and then we got our first look at Melissa Benoist as Supergirl for the upcoming CBS show. The latest Avengers trailer features more action and plot points than the previous one, and also brings up some-you know what, you’re not reading this anyways, so here’s the trailer: Read the rest of this entry

Comic Reviews: Princess Leia and All New Hawkeye!


leiaBIG Princess Leia #1 (of 5)

 Since they’ve received the license, Marvel has wasted no time in publishing Star Wars comics. After the stellar releases of the main title and the Darth Vader spin-off, we now welcome the lovely Princess Leia Organa (Skywalker) to our comic shelves. Written by comics legend Mark Waid and drawn by Terry Dodsen, Princess Leia is the third Star Wars spin off, and unfortunately it doesn’t quite live up to the hype that Star Wars and Darth Vader have given it. Read the rest of this entry