Monthly Archives: September 2016

Comic Reviews: Batman Beyond Rebirth and Teen Titans Rebirth!


jul160269Batman Beyond Rebirth #1 (DC Comics)

For long time now the Batman Beyond property has been a tough nut for DC Comics to crack. The now classic TV show has a huge following, but the numerous times that DC has tried to tap into that audience with a Batman Beyond comic have fallen flat. For some reason, Terry McGinnis’ adventures haven’t been as easy to bring to the paneled page as they should be. Until now. Dan Jurgens and Ryan Sook’s Batman Beyond Rebirth special hits all the right beats, and brings us all up to speed on the Dark Knight of tomorrow’s current adventures. Read the rest of this entry

Superman and Son

12512778-10101076300796655-8399499985413246478-n-176189At seven issues in for a majority of their titles, the DC Rebirth event can pretty much be considered a resounding success. There’s tons of fantastic titles to choose for your pull list, from Tom King and David Finch’s Batman to Greg Rucka’s Wonder Woman, but in all honesty, the one that I love the most is Peter J Tomasi and Patrick Gleason’s Superman, and it’s the one DC Rebirth title that shouldn’t work nearly as well as it does. Read the rest of this entry

Comic Reviews: Seven To Eternity and Amazing Spider-Man!


seventoeternity01_cvraSeven To Eternity #1 (Image Comics)

Rick Remender has made quite a name for himself in comics the past few years. After successful runs on Uncanny X-Force and Uncanny Avengers for Marvel, as well as Black Science, Tokyo Ghost, and Deadly Class for Image Comics, he’s now at the level of creator that brings in readers simply from his name appearing on the cover. With his latest release with artist Jerome Opena from Image, Seven To Eternity, that name appeal is only going to get stronger. Read the rest of this entry

Monsters Unleashed?

monstersunleashed-promo-0916So we finally have an idea of just what Marvel’s “Monsters Unleashed” is going to look like when it hits in January of 2017, and…it’s not exactly what I was expecting. Instead of this being a new storyline event featuring the returns of Werewolf By Night, Frankenstein, and other Marvel Monsters that were made famous in the 1970’s. Instead, it will be monsters like Fin Fang Foom, Devil Dinosaur, and even Groot attacking the Marvel Universe all at once, causing the Marvel Heroes to team up and save the planet. Oh, it’s also going to reintroduce Darkhawk into the Marvel Universe for some reason. It sounds…. different. Read the rest of this entry

Comic Reviews: Doom Patrol and The Fix!


640-1Doom Patrol #1 (DC Comics)

It’s been a few years since Gerard Way, the lead singer of the My Chemical Romance, had a book on the comic stands. But his return to the paneled page could not have come with more hype. Not only is he writing a new take on Doom Patrol, he’s also the creative force behind “Young Animal”, DC’s new publishing imprint that’s kind of like Vertigo if it was really into punk and zines. As the first book in the initiative and the first mainstream series written by Way, all eyes are on Doom Patrol. Read the rest of this entry

Sinister Developments

sinisterAccording to Bryan Singer, Mr. Sinister is coming to the Fox X-Men universe. But he’s not appearing in the next X-Men movie. No, Sinister will be coming to the third solo Wolverine movie, which still has no official title or real synopsis yet (all we know is that it’ll be loosely based on Old Man Logan). Mr. Sinister has long been one of my favorite X-Men villains, but I won’t lie, after X-Men: Apocalypse I’m very wary about how Sinister will be portrayed on screen. Read the rest of this entry

Comic Reviews: Cyborg Rebirth and Jughead!


cybreb_cv1_dsCyborg Rebirth #1 (DC Comics)

I’ll be honest; Cyborg has never been one of my favorite characters. Sure, I’ve enjoyed his inclusion in the Justice League thanks to DC’s New 52 initiative, but when it comes to his solo outings I’ve never really felt any interest in the character. However, with DC Rebirth it’s a time for new beginnings, and with that in mind I picked up the new Cyborg Rebirth from John Semper Jr and Paul Pelletier. Could this be the entry point into the character that’s often eluded me? Read the rest of this entry

Batfleck vs. Slade Wilson

deathstroke-dc-films-196995-1280x0Remember how we all assumed that the solo Ben Affleck Batman movie was going to have Batman taking on the residents of Arkham Asylum? Well, you can probably scrap that idea.

Last week Affleck tweeted out a video of the one and only Deathstroke. Otherwise known as Slade Wilson, Deathstroke is a major DC Villain who’s just recently become pretty popular thanks to appearances in Arrow, where he was played by Manu Bennett. Now with his profile raised amongst the “normies”, it’s time for him to take the main stage in the DC Cinematic Universe. But where was he going to show up? Justice League? Affleck’s solo Batman movie? Read the rest of this entry

Comic Reviews: Guardians of the Galaxy and Tokyo Ghost!


portrait_incredibleGuardians of the Galaxy #11 (Marvel Comics)

Guardians of the Galaxy has been an interesting book. While the team has had a huge impact on pop culture thanks to their movie, the Brian Michael Bendis written comic hasn’t had the best track record. Sure, there have been some great moments, but by and large it’s been one of the lesser works of Bendis’ large bibliography. However, The latest issue of Brian Michael Bendis and Valerio Schiti’s Guardians saga is certainly more focused than the previous storyline, and actually seems to be setting up some cool interplay for the Guardians in the Civil War 2 event. Read the rest of this entry