Monthly Archives: November 2015

Comic Reviews: Dark Knight 3: The Master Race and Venom Space Knight!


ANDY-KLAUS promo_559c0e4f16b9b0.23516031Dark Knight 3: The Master Race #1 (DC Comics)


At long last, Dark Knight 3: The Master Race has arrived. The Frank Miller and Brian Azzarello penned series has a metric ton of hype around it, but many (myself included) are wary after Miller’s The Dark Knight Strikes Again. Sure, with Azzarello helping on the scripts and Andy Kubert on art, it’s a good chance we won’t be getting DKSA again, but there’s always the possibility that we could get something even worse as well. While Dark Knight 3 isn’t a complete mess, it’s merely a solid opening issue, not the spectacular groundbreaking first issue it’s been hyped as. Read the rest of this entry

Battlefront Reactions

IMG_3927Star Wars Battlefront has finally arrived, and I’ve spent quite a lot of time with it. To say that there’s been a lot of hype surrounding this game would be an understatement. But while it doesn’t live up to all of the hype, it’s still an extremely fun game that captures the fun and essence of Star Wars. Read the rest of this entry

Comic Reviews: Star Wars: Vader Down and Huck!


download Star Wars: Vader Down #1 (Marvel)

For being the first big Marvel Star Wars event, “Vader Down” has a pretty small-scale plot: Darth Vader is marooned on a planet housing a Rebel fueling facility. With Rebel forces surrounding him, the Dark Lord of the Sith has to fight his way off the planet, and while we KNOW he’ll be fine, that doesn’t mean that Jason Aaron and Mike Deodato’s kick off special issue isn’t a blast to read. Read the rest of this entry

The Read Pile: Alias

download (1)Confession time, folks: until a month or two ago, I had never read Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Gaydos’ Alias series. It slipped through the cracks, mainly because it was at it’s height when I was in high school and college, where the only books I was reading were ­Spider-Man and Batman comics. I’ve long heard of how incredible the series is, and with the upcoming Jessica Jones series hitting Netflix, I decided it was high time that I splurged on the omnibus edition. Now that I’ve finished it, I figured I’d dust off the ol’ “Read Pile” and give it a new installment. Read the rest of this entry

Comic Reviews: All New All Different Avengers and The Goddamned!


a6a4dafe7faaf8d45554adde9402e40fAll New All Different Avengers #1 (Marvel Comics)

Arguably the flagship title of the All New All Different Marvel Relaunch, All New All Different Avengers faces a lot of hype. It features two comic legends writing and drawing the title (Mark Waid and Adam Kubert, respectively), and has the most diverse roster that Earth’s Mightiest Heroes have ever seen, featuring Sam Wilson’s Captain America, Kamala Khan’s Ms. Marvel. Miles Morales’ Spider-Man, and Jane Foster’s Thor. With so much hype around it, it would be nearly impossible for ANAD Avengers to live up to the hype, and it doesn’t. But while this opening issue doesn’t exactly blow you away, it sets the stage for some pretty fun things to come. Read the rest of this entry

The Five Fandoms

We’re all fans of stuff. That much is certain. But some of us are fans of more than just one or two things. Some of us have our fandom split amongst multiple different characters, genres, and mediums. Just like we don’t all have one specific thing that makes us who we are, not all of us are obsessed with one thing. A lot of our different fandoms bleed into others, and allow us to diversify our nerdy interests. So, with that in mind, I’ve coined the term the “Five Fandoms”, and figured I’d share my five and why they’re so important to me. While they all move up and down this list, these are the five pop culture things that take up the most space in my brain, for better or worse. Read the rest of this entry

Movie Review: SPECTRE

MV5BMjM2Nzg4MzkwOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzA0OTE3NjE@._V1_SX640_SY720_SPECTRE ( 2015)

Starring: Daniel Craig, Lea Seydoux, Ben Whishaw, Christoph Waltz

Directed By: Sam Mendes


Not even Bond can withstand high expectations. Much like The Dark Knight Rises, the latest Bond adventure is coming off a huge critical and box office hit that got more people interested in Britain’s superspy than ever before. And like Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy capper, there was no way for SPECTRE to live up to the hype set by Skyfall. But even though it doesn’t hit the highs of the previous Bond film (or Casino Royale) it’s still a solid offering in the Daniel Craig era of the spy. Read the rest of this entry

Comic Reviews: Extraordinary X-Men and Citizen Jack!


extraoxmn2015001-mock-358c0-141888Extraordinary X-Men #1 (Marvel Comics)

Given Marvel’s current “let’s try to make the Inhumans a thing” policy, it’s surprising that the X-Men are still getting a huge push in All New All Different Marvel. Of course they’re still immensely popular (and profitable), but no one would be blamed for thinking that Marvel would start churning out garbage featuring the merry mutants in order to try and get X fans to check out Uncanny Inhumans. Thankfully this is not the case, as superhot writer Jeff Lemire and Marvel megastar Humberto Ramos are on the roster for Extraordinary X=Men, the new flagship X-Men book in the All New, All Different Marvel relaunch. Read the rest of this entry

The Time of the Preacher

preacher-amcWell, we finally have it, our first look at AMC’s Preacher. After being released last night during The Walking Dead, the trailer finally has eyes on it, but some people re surprised by the tone and story that’s hinted at in the trailer. Tulip and Cassidy hardly factor into it, and Dominic Cooper’s Jesse Custer seems to be more of a pastor that beats the crap out of the scumbags in his town than a disillusioned (and slightly possessed) preacher who decides to find out why God abandoned humanity. Read the rest of this entry