Monthly Archives: January 2015

Comic Reviews: Batman and Uncanny Avengers!


BM_Cv38_543dae911fec60.22914504Batman #38 (DC Comics)

 At this point it’s moot to point out how stellar Batman is. You know it. I know it. But the latest issue of Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo’s “Endgame” certainly pulls out all of the stops, and leaves you breathless. It also changes the status quo of the Joker/Batman relationship in a huge way (that I won’t spoil here).

This issue deals with the fallout of Joker’s “jokerization” of the citizens of Gotham City, which gives this book a very creepy “last man on Earth” feel. As he desperately tries to find a way to save the city, Batman is lead to the laboratory of Paul Dekker, whom longtime Bat-fans may recognize is the alter ego of Crazy Quilt. While in Dekker’s lab, Batman learns some shocking information about the Clown Prince of Crime that rocks him to his very core, and possibly show that the man that Batman thought he knew is something else entirely. And in order to stop him, Batman will have to seek assistance from the most unlikely of places…. Read the rest of this entry

Time For The Fantastic

fantastic-four-poster-reboot-artThe moment we’ve been waiting for (or dreading) has arrived: the first teaser trailer for Josh Trank’s Fantastic Four reboot has hit the internet. While it looks a lot better than I was expecting, it still hasn’t done much to move this up my “must see list” for the summer of 2015. Maybe I’ve let the bad buzz around the film get to my head, or maybe I’m just not that interested in another Fox Fantastic Four film, but something is just…well, “off” whenever I watch it. Read the rest of this entry

The Marvel Press Event to End All Press Events?

MarvelSecretWarsThis Tuesday, Marvel had their “announcement to end all announcements” (their words, not mine). Many people were wondering what it could possibly be: getting the movie rights to Spider-Man back? Rebooting the universe? Relaunching Rom: SpaceKnight? The Internet was abuzz with speculation, and now, we can finally talk about it, because the announcement is….

That the Marvel “616” Universe and the Ultimate Universe will combine together for Secret Wars, and that Battleworld is going to be the new Marvel Universe, with each alternate reality being a different “country”. Read the rest of this entry

Comic Reviews: Rocket Raccoon and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!


 portrait_incredibleRocket Raccoon #7 (Marvel Comics)

 Month in and month out, Rocket Raccoon has been one of my favorite books from Marvel. It’s a fun, light book, and issue 7 is no exception. Skottie Young and Filipe Andrade set up an intriguing new story with this issue that serves as a great jumping on point for new readers. Read the rest of this entry

Agent Carter > Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

agent-carter-768Yeah I said it.

With the start of Agent Carter last week, it’s safe to say that we have the show we should’ve gotten last year when Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. premiered. Believe me, I’m just as surprised as you are. To be fair, I was going to watch Agent Carter regardless of its quality. I figured it would be an all right show to watch, but nothing that would be appointment television (much like how I feel about AoS). However, I was not expecting the show to be as phenomenal as it was, and to be this enthralled by it. Read the rest of this entry

Comic Reviews: Star Wars and Batgirl!


 Star_Wars_1_Cassaday_cov-720x1067Star Wars #1 (Marvel Comics)

 Marvel is expecting big things from Star Wars #1. The first title to be released since Marvel gained the Star Wars brand after Disney’s purchase of Lucasfilm, the series features Jason Aaron (arguably Marvel’s top writer) and the legendary John Cassaday on art. Marvel’s been pushing this book like crazy, and they’re predicting this to be one of the top-selling comics of the past few years. Thankfully, it’s damn good. In fact, it’s better than good; it’s pretty damn awesome actually. Read the rest of this entry

Ant-Man, or “How I Learned to Stop Caring and Start Getting Excited For A Movie Starring A Superhero Who Can Talk To Ants”

10925463-1067985273228612-7213768669928878539-o-117140The Ant-Man hype machine has begun, and it’s working.

Well, it’s working on me at least. Read the rest of this entry

Upcoming Nerd Things in 2015!!!!

avengers-age-of-ultron-collageAlright, we’ve looked at the best and worst things of 2014, so now it’s time to look into the future and obsess over the movie, TV, and comic events that are coming to us in the upcoming year!  2015 is going to be absolutely massive, so you’ll probably need help figuring out what things you should be REALLY excited for. Well, fear not, cause I’m here to help.  And we’ll start things off with Marvel’s next big “universe changing event”… Read the rest of this entry

Comic Reviews: Ant-Man and The Fade Out!


 ant-man-1-cover-mark-brooksjpg-80061cAnt-Man #1 (Marvel Comics)

 Ant-Man is starting to become a pretty big deal for Marvel Comics. As you may or may not know, there’s a movie coming out (look, there’s even a trailer), and with that means that Marvel is going to start pumping the character up in the comic book circle. Of course, this means the start of a regular ongoing series for the diminutive hero, but before you turn away, it should be worth noting that this series features a creative team of Ramon Rosanas on art, and Nick Spencer on writing duties, which puts Ant-Man #1 in the category of “must read”, since Spencer’s Superior Foes of Spider-Man was one of my favorite titles of the past year. In fact, a lot of Ant-Man fits right in with Spencer’s previous series. Read the rest of this entry

Comic Reviews: All New Miracleman Annual and SHIELD!


Miracleman-DellOtto-636baAll New Miracleman Annual #1 (Marvel Comics)

 There’s a lot of hype around All New Miracleman Annual #1. There’s a “long lost” script by legendary author Grant Morrison, interior pages by Marvel head honcho Joe Quesada, and all of the pedigree that comes with a comic book called Miracleman. Ever since Marvel got the publishing rights to the character that arguably made Alan Moore famous, the publisher has been putting out reprints of the classic “Marvelman” sorties of the 1950s, and only recently begun republishing the Alan Moore series (aka the ones people really wanted). Annual is the first “original” Miracleman book published by Marvel. So, is it worth the $5 cover price? Read the rest of this entry