Monthly Archives: May 2017

Comic Reviews: Cable and Saga!


Cable_1_Cover-195x300Cable #1 (Marvel Comics)

From leader of X-Force, to raising the last hope for mutants, to even being an Avenger, Nathan Summers has gone through a lot of changes since he first hit the scene back in the 80’s. But that doesn’t mean he’s not immune to the “RessurXion” mini launch that Marvel is putting all of their X-Men titles through. While Cable has never been a character I’ve actively collected and read, the latest series from James Robinson and Carlos Pacheco looks to be changing that. Read the rest of this entry

Movie Review: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales!

MV5BMTYyMTcxNzc5M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTg2ODE2MTI@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017)

Starring: Johnny Depp, Geoffrey Rush, Javier Bardem, Kaya Scodelario, Brenton Thwaites

Directed By: Joachim Ronning and Espin Sandberg

Would anyone believe that we’d get to a fifth Pirates of the Caribbean movie back in 2003? Probably not, but here we are. The fifth go around with Captain Jack Sparrow is here, nearly six years after the last voyage in On Stranger Tides. A lot has changed since the last installment of the hit Disney franchise, and while there are still some fun moments to be had in Dead Men Tell No Tales, there are some major signs of franchise fatigue setting in. Read the rest of this entry

Comic Reviews: Venom and Batgirl!


venom2016150-cov-232536Venom #150 (Marvel Comics)

Now that Eddie Brock is back in the symbiote, it’s time for a super sized special. With Venom reaching 150 issues thanks to Marvel’s method of renumbering series but still counting them so long as they can charge an extra couple bucks when the time is right, the Mike Costa and Gerardo Sandoval series is poised to finally get on track after a few aimless opening issues. Ever since it was revealed that Eddie Brock would be returning as Venom, it seemed like the entire book just kind of came to halt. We all knew that Eddie Brock was coming back, so paying any attention on the new guy seemed like a waste of time. Read the rest of this entry

TV Review: Twin Peaks: The Return

Twin_Peaks_2017_PosterTV REVIEW
Twin Peaks: The Return

“Chapters 1 and 2”


After 25 years, David Lynch’s weird masterpiece Twin Peaks is back. As a relative newcomer to Agent Dale Cooper’s investigation into the murder of Laura Palmer (I only watched the series about two years ago, and just watched Fire Walk With Me a few days ago), I wasn’t aware of the weird cultural phenomenon that was Peaks when it was first airing. But what does strike me is how mainstream America latched onto the series, which has not only one of the strangest narratives of all time, but also looked like nothing else on television either. Almost every episode of the series was a mini art house film, with odd angles, cuts, and performances. But despite all of this, Twin Peaks became a major phenomenon without the aid of Twitter, Facebook, or any kind of viral marketing campaign. And now, 25 years later, we’re finally getting some resolutions to the cliffhanger ending that audiences were left with 25 (or fewer) years ago. Read the rest of this entry

Comic Reviews: The Flash and Curse Words!


FLS_Cv22_non-lenticular[10]_590d2e22ac7773.69640683The Flash #22 (DC Comics)

It’s all come to this. With the hype of the entire DC universe and comic fans behind it, “The Button” has reached its conclusion. But now that we know the next installment in the Rebirth mystery is coming in November, has the wind been taken out of The Flash #22 sails? Read the rest of this entry

Two Minutes To Doomsday

slack-imgsEver since the final pages of DC Universe Rebirth, comic fans have waited with bated breath for more information on the shocking revelation that Dr. Manhattan was (probably) behind the DC’s “New 52” reboot. We’ve been getting a few more details in “The Button” storyline that’s been playing out in current issues of Batman and The Flash, but now we’ve got a real-deal next installment in the ongoing “DC Rebirth Saga”: Doomsday Clock. Read the rest of this entry

Comic Reviews: Star Wars: Screaming Citadel and Action Comics!


Star_Wars_The_Screaming_Citadel_1.pngStar Wars: Screaming Citadel #1 (Marvel Comics)

Almost a year after the end of the first Marvel Star Wars crossover, it’s now time for the next one. But instead of crossing over with Darth Vader, the main Star Wars title is crossing over with Doctor Aphra for “The Screaming Citadel”. As the first major event since Vader Down, there’s a lot of speculation over this story, but Keiron Gillen and Marco Checchetto are able to craft a cool little story that’s an interesting addition to the Star Wars mythos. Read the rest of this entry

What the Hell(Boy)?

hellboy-reboot-david-harbourSo here’s some interesting movie news……Hellboy is getting a movie reboot.

No, your browser didn’t accidentally set to April Fool’s Day. Hellboy, the movie series that Guillermo Del Toro started up based on Mike Mignola’s classic character, is the latest comic property to get an R-rated reboot. With The Descent director Neil Marshall at the helm and Stranger Things’ David Harbour getting ready to slap on the shortened horns, there’s plenty to get you pumped to jump back into Mike Mignola’s world. And while enough time has passed for a reboot, it puts a lot of us in an interesting spot. Read the rest of this entry

Movie Review: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2!

MV5BMTg2MzI1MTg3OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTU3NDA2MTI@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)

Starring: Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Bradley Cooper, Vin Diesel, Kurt Russell

Directed By: James Gunn


Three years ago, the strangest Marvel Studios movie hit theaters and completely changed the game for pretty much all other Marvel (and superhero) movies. Guardians of the Galaxy created a whole new set of Marvel fans, and took a bunch of characters that no one knew and made them into household names. Naturally, the bar has been set pretty damn high for the sequel, and while the surprises may be gone from the original, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is still a solidly entertaining ride. Read the rest of this entry

Comic Reviews: Secret Empire and Bane Conquest!


HT-secret-empire1-cf-170209_2_8x13_992.jpgSecret Empire #1 (of 9) (Marvel Comics)

To say that Marvel’s Secret Empire has been controversial would be the understatement of the year. Fans have been voicing their displeasure over the “Hydra Cap” storyline for a year now, so much so that Marvel had to issue a special press release that asked them to hold judgment until they read the new event to completion (and that SPOILER ALERT Captain America will be back to normal by the time it’s over). Now the storyline that Nick Spencer has been building to since last year’s Steve Rogers Captain America is here. With Cap’s “true allegiance” now in the open, the battle begins for the soul of Marvel’s greatest hero. But removed from all the hype and headlines, how does Secret Empire stack up as the latest in the long line of Marvel events? Read the rest of this entry