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Summer 2017 Wrap-Up!

Ah yes, another Summer has come and gone. And unlike last year, the summer of 2017 was chock full of cool stuff for us to enjoy. From the big screen to the small, there was tons of great entertainment to keep us indoors and out of the sun. So much so, that it’s almost tough to remember all the cool movies, TV, and all kinds of other stuff. Lucky for you I’ve got the list to end all best of summer lists! Read the rest of this entry

2017: An Embarrassment of (Nerd) Riches

2017-superhero-movies-slice-600x200We are in a golden age of comic book movies. Sure, that’s not a huge statement to make, since Marvel Studios and other production companies have been pumping out movies for ten plus years now. But has there ever been a wide variety of GOOD comic book movies like we’ve had in 2017? Starting with Logan in March, every single comic book film released so far this year has been a hit both commercially and critically. But it’s not just the box office that’s making me think back and write this column. No, it’s what these films are saying that makes them so important. Read the rest of this entry

Movie Review: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2!

MV5BMTg2MzI1MTg3OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTU3NDA2MTI@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)

Starring: Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Bradley Cooper, Vin Diesel, Kurt Russell

Directed By: James Gunn


Three years ago, the strangest Marvel Studios movie hit theaters and completely changed the game for pretty much all other Marvel (and superhero) movies. Guardians of the Galaxy created a whole new set of Marvel fans, and took a bunch of characters that no one knew and made them into household names. Naturally, the bar has been set pretty damn high for the sequel, and while the surprises may be gone from the original, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is still a solidly entertaining ride. Read the rest of this entry

Summer Movie Preview!

imagesAnother year, another batch of Summer movies. Unlike last year, the 2017 Summer Movie season looks to be chock full of awesome flicks. From more installments of the Marvel Cinematic Universe to Wonder Woman’s first feature film to the return of the monstrous Xenomorphs, there’s a ton of stuff of look forward to as the temperature outside rises. But what exactly should you really be waiting for? Well, lucky for you I’m here to help you figure out what movies to spend your hard earned cash on! And we’ll kick if off with the first movie to come our way….. Read the rest of this entry

SDCC 2016 Wrap-Up!

downloadAnother San Diego Comic Con has come and gone, and even though I wasn’t there, I sure felt like I was, though that’s probably due to the insurmountable amount of time I spent scouring sites for any bit of information I could. From WB’s upcoming DC movies to Marvel announcing the actress that’s bringing Captain Marvel to life, there was a lot of cool news that came out of this year’s massive convention. So, let’s take a look at some of my favorite announcements! Read the rest of this entry