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The Five Fandoms

We’re all fans of stuff. That much is certain. But some of us are fans of more than just one or two things. Some of us have our fandom split amongst multiple different characters, genres, and mediums. Just like we don’t all have one specific thing that makes us who we are, not all of us are obsessed with one thing. A lot of our different fandoms bleed into others, and allow us to diversify our nerdy interests. So, with that in mind, I’ve coined the term the “Five Fandoms”, and figured I’d share my five and why they’re so important to me. While they all move up and down this list, these are the five pop culture things that take up the most space in my brain, for better or worse. Read the rest of this entry

“It’s True……All of It”

force-awakens-poster-new-articleCan you feel that? It’s the sound of thousands of nerds shaking in anticipation after watching the latest Star Wars trailer. A day before we got our poster reveal, and now it’s just a matter of 2 months until we see more of Han, Chewie, Leia, and (hopefully) Luke. But let’s inspect that poster a little, shall we? Read the rest of this entry