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First Impressions: Avengers Beta (War Rooms)

indexLast week, I gave you some thoughts on the story mode of Avengers, Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics’ massively ambitious take on Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. This weekend I was able to jump back into the beta, and this time I focused more in on the War Rooms, the big selling point behind the game. Read the rest of this entry

First Impressions: Avengers Beta (Story Mode)

indexIf there’s one area that the Marvel machine has yet to conquer, it’s video games. Despite a few notable exceptions like the PS4 exclusive Spider-Man and Telltale Games’ take on Guardians of the Galaxy, video games based on the characters ruling the multiplex have been few and far between. But Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix are looking to change that with Avengers, an extremely ambitious game that looks to put a Destiny spin on Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Thanks to Marvel artist Mark Brooks, I got the chance to try out the Beta earlier than most folks, and I gotta say, the potential is definitely there for this to be THE game for any Marvel fan. Read the rest of this entry

Movie Review: Avengers: Endgame (Spoiler Free)

il_794xN.1858951403_gzvwMOVIE REVIEW!!

Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Starring: Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner

Directed By: Joe and Anthony Russo

The secrecy surrounding Avengers: Endgame is at near ludicrous levels, with Disney and Marvel studios going to extreme lengths to keep the events of the film under wraps. Of course, I’m not going to start spoiling the movie here, because honestly, the fun in enjoying Endgame is watching it as fresh as possible. Though if you haven’t done a complete MCU rewatch in the past year, you’re probably going to want to do so before watching Endgame, the epic finale to the grand experiment that is the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Read the rest of this entry

Comic Reviews: Hex Wives and Avengers Halloween Special!


HEXW_01-(Cover)_5bc51c7b2637c8.48679262Hex Wives #1 (Vertigo Comics)

Vertigo’s new series Hex Wives couldn’t have been released on a better day. The Ben Blacker and Mirka Andolfo series, an interesting mix of witchcraft and The Stepford Wives, is a pretty fun and slightly spooky book. Unfortunately though, it’s more interesting when it’s focused on the history of the two leads than the actual plot. Read the rest of this entry

Comic Reviews: Avengers and DC Nation!


Avengers2018_001_Cvr-1-600x891Avengers #1 (Marvel Comics)

You may have heard that the Avengers have a new movie out, so unsurprisingly Marvel is putting out a brand new #1 of Avengers with a new creative team in the hopes of catching that elusive “new reader” who’s interested in checking out the comics after watching Infinity War. While a new #1 is par for the course when it comes to Marvel, the fact that Jason Aaron and Ed McGuinness are the creative team for Avengers #1 is enough to make you pause and take notice, and with a team roster that includes the original “Big Three” as well as Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange, and Ghost Rider, well, that’s just weird enough to make this title stand out. Read the rest of this entry

Movie Review: Avengers: Infinity War!


gallery-1521208645-infinity-war-posterAvengers: Infinity War (2018)

Starring: Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Chadwick Boseman, Chris Pratt, Bradley Cooper, Vin Diesel, Anthony Mackie

Directed By: Joe and Anthony Russo


Ten years. Ten years of movies, characters, box office records, and building a world unlike anything that has even been seen in Hollywood has finally come to this: Avengers: Infinity War. The hype surrounding this film is certainly palpable, to the point where you wouldn’t be out of line to make the claim that there’s no way this movie could possibly live up to the hype.

But in a lot of ways it does. Read the rest of this entry

Comic Reviews: Mister Miracle and Avengers!


xvai1pug76101Mister Miracle #6 (DC Comics)

I mentioned in my review of the first issue of Mister Miracle how the Tom King and Mitch Gerads series could do the impossible and give me a solid introduction to Jack Kirby’s Fourth World saga, but now six issues in (and a few Kirby trades later), I can easily say that was definitely the case. Simply put, this is one of the best series currently on the market. As the final issue of the first arc of the miniseries, Mister Miracle #6 has much of the same charm as you’d expect from King and Gerads by now, but there’s also some pretty major surprises and reveals as well. Read the rest of this entry

When Worlds Collide?

Avengers_vs._X-Men_Vol_1_0_Cheung_Variant.jpgA major bombshell has just hit the nerd community: Disney was allegedly in talks to acquire 21st Century Fox.

Now despite what all the headlines are saying, this is far from a done deal. In fact, according to Bloomberg, the talks had been on and off for the past few weeks, but are now dead. But this still means that there’s a chance, regardless of how big, that we could finally see the Fantastic Four, Deadpool, and the X-Men cross paths with the characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Yes, the talks are dead now, but now that the topic has been brought up, I can’t imagine that Disney wouldn’t try again to at least get the Fantastic Four and X-Men rights back. It would take some creative finagling, but if Marvel’s proven anything, it’s that they can get finaglin’.  Read the rest of this entry

Comic Reviews: Avengers and Unworthy Thor!


avengers-1-post-civil-war-ii-marvel-now-spoilersAvengers #1 (Marvel Comics)

Like with any Marvel relaunch, we’re getting a new Avengers series. With the aftermath of Civil War II (which no, still hasn’t finished), Earth’s Mightiest Heroes needed a roster change, bringing in Hercules, Spider-Man, and Wasp onto the team, as well as new artist Mike Del Mundo. Thankfully Mark Waid has remained on hand to turn his former “All-New All-Different” team into a team of just “Avengers”, and with this being the start of the “Kang Wars”, it seems that we’re into some pretty interesting territory, even though the art doesn’t quite gel with what we’re used to. Read the rest of this entry

Comic Reviews: Avengers Standoff: Welcome to Pleasant Hill and Power Man and Iron Fist!


Avengers_Standoff_Welcome_to_Pleasant_Hill_1_Cover-600x902Avengers Standoff: Welcome to Pleasant Hill #1 (Marvel Comics)

I’ll be honest. I was planning on skipping the upcoming “Avengers: Standoff” event. Call it being uninterested, not thinking that this was a “major event”, or plain old event fatigue, there just wasn’t anything that I thought was appealing about Nick Spencer’s upcoming crossover storyline.

But then I read this. Read the rest of this entry